Friday, September 4, 2009

Power Shift Canada

Are you a young and enthusiastic Canadian who is concerned about the environment? Do you want to go to Ottawa and make a difference this October? Check out Power Shift!

On October 23-26, 2009, over 1000 young people from across the country will converge on Ottawa to take a message of bold, comprehensive and immediate federal climate action to Parliament Hill. Power Shift will be two days of training, strategy and action and one mass lobby day to hold our elected officials accountable to for their part to solve the climate crisis, and to build a cohesive and effective youth climate movement. This will be the largest-ever gathering of young people on the environment in the history of this country.

At Power Shift Canada, we will deliver our message of change to our elected officials. Youth of all backgrounds will come together to create a fresh, positive, and inspiring vision of the future, one focused on our potential to overcome the challenges of the 21st century, build a clean energy economy, create millions of green jobs, increase global equity, and revitalize our economy. Now is the time for action. Now is the time for boldness. We will accept nothing less from the people with whom we have entrusted our future: our elected officials, and most importantly, ourselves. 2009 will be a year history will remember.

For more information and to find out how to register, please visit

Follow Power Shift Canada's facebook group at

Friday, August 7, 2009

Indulge in a nice bath.

I know what I'm about to post isn't exactly the most water-friendly entry. Bathing can use up more water than showering. A part of me kind of feels guilty for what I'm about to post, but come on, we've all have those moments when we just want to melt and unwind into a nice hot bath after a long day. I don't think that's unreasonable, and I won't tell if you don't tell. ;)

When I feel I deserve a good bath, I always try to do something to the bath water to make it just a little more special. You can too and you don't even need to buy those fancy bath products either.

I recommend trying the following depending on your mood. You deserved it!

Add rose petals into your bath. The natural oils and fragrances from the petals will hydrate your skin and make it feel smooth, as well as leave you with a nice smell.

You can soften your skin with baking soda too! Just add about half a cup to the water.

Feel warmer in baths by adding a tablespoon or two of ground ginger or fresh ginger slices. This tip is great if you want to feel warm without using so much hot water (awesome tip for cold winters!). If you're using ground ginger, please add it to the water gradually. It can and will feel too intense if you put too much at once.

Relieve tension with chamomile tea. Just hold a few chamomile tea bags under the faucet as it runs. I haven't tried this yet, but apparently the tea contains healing properties that will relax your muscles.

Olive oil soothes dry skin. Make sure you soak in your bath for about 5 minutes before adding in the olive oil (2 tbsp will do). Presoaking will open up your pours to allow the olive oil to be absorbed into your skin.

Feel so fresh, so clean by adding the juice of a lemon (or two) into your bath. You'll feel cool and refreshed (awesome for hot summers). It also doubles up as a toner and tightens your skin (so it's great for people with oily skin too). I heard grapefruit and oranges also works well.

After you've had your happy alone time, it's time to snap back into reality. Rinse off with a (quick!) cool shower. It'll close your pours to lock in moisture and it's a nice way to end a nice, lazy bath.

Happy bathing! Don't use too much water.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hair Removal - Threading

Originating in the Middle East and Asia, Threading is an ancient method of hair removal that requires only a piece of thread. I've been using the threading technique for quite some time now. I use it to shape my eyebrows and to remove the fine hairs on my *cough* upper lip. Threading grabs the hairs and pulls them out from the root. It is quicker than tweezing, a lot less painful than waxing and lasts longer than shaving.

Now let us begin.

Step 1.

First you will need to cut off a piece of thread that is about 1.5' - 2' long. Any kind of thread will do, but make sure it is strong and thin. I'm only using this thick black thread so you can see it easier.

Step 2.

Next, tie the two ends together so you will end up with a loop.

Step 3.

Wind the thread around with one hand until you end up with about an inch of the thread winded up in the centre of the loop.

Step 4.

To hold your thread, refer back to the image in step 3. You may hold the thread how you feel is the most comfortable to you, but keep in mind that your thumb and index finger will need to be able to move to manipulate the thread.
Practice opening your left hand and then your right hand. Notice the winded part of the thread will go from one side to the other. If you open up your left hand, the winded thread will twist to the right, and vice-versa.

Step 5.

This is basically how the hair removal will work. You want to remove the hairs against the grain (against the direction of the hair growth). As the winded section of the thread comes close to the hairs, it will grab other hairs along the way, twisting them around the thread until they are out of your skin. It'll feel like you're being lightly pinched, but that's okay because that means you're probably doing it right! It takes a bit of practice, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be able to remove hairs from eyebrows and upper lip in a matter of minutes!

And that's it! If you have any questions or comments, please post. Thank you for reading.

Monday, July 20, 2009

10 Tips for Aging Gracefully

Aging is a part of life and it is absolutely beautiful. However, often times, we find ourselves constantly going out of our way to deny our age and try to manipulate and change what we simply cannot control.

I was talking to a friend in her mid 30s a while ago. She was telling me about a time when she was walking through a mall and saw a group of skinny girls just chatting away. She was jealous of their tight, clear skins, thin bodies and overall appearances until she overheard their conversations. She eventually realised that those girls were probably no older than thirteen or fourteen years old! She realised she was envious of girls who were young enough to be her daughter!

Age is not only a fear for those who have lived a longer life. We find young girls caking on layers and layers of make up as well as going out of their way to dress and act differently in attempts of being more "grown up." Then we continue to find young adults still nitpicking at every little flaw they possess. By the time we know it, in the time we spent criticising ourselves, we could have instead embraced ourselves and simply live!

Everyone is constantly being pressured to look a certain way, but when will we ever be satisfied? Does the modern day even want us to love ourselves for who we are? We have very little control of the kinds of criticism we receive or how fast we age, but we do have the power to accept and embrace our own beauty. And we all have beauty! So here are some tips I think would help you along the way.

1. Spend lots of time with your loved ones. As the saying goes... "Those who mind, don't matter and those who matter, don't mind." You will always be loved by those who care about you no matter how you look. They won't be counting the wrinkles or blemishes on your face, but the numbers of smiles you will make on it.

2. Keep your heart healthy. And have fun while you're doing it. We all know the benefits of a nice active heart. It keeps us physically and mentally strong, as well as giving that beautiful natural glow that no cosmetics can ever achieve!

3. Live life today and everyday. At the very moment I am writing this blog entry, it is July 19, 2009. There will never be any day like it. Make this day, as well as your other days, last! Pick up a new hobby or do something you've never done before. Always speak your mind. Don't ever let age be your limit. You're going to want to tell lots of interesting stories of your experiences to others, right? Start those stories now and don't stop. Aging is more than just wrinkly skin. Live life while you're still alive. Time waits for no one.

4. Realise there will always be pressure. Everyone is under pressure by the media, society and even other people. We see flawlessly "perfect" people everyday on TV, magazines, movies, etc. That gives us distorted, and often times impossible perspectives and expectations on what it means to be physically beautiful. Although we cannot control the kinds of images and messages we receive, we can control how we internalize those messages. Stop comparing yourself to that airbrushed celebrity. Realise you are not alone in this fight for beauty either. As I said before, everyone is under the pressure. Even that attractive stranger you saw at the beach has his/her own insecurities. We can all relate.

5. Forget about those numbers! Stop obsessing about your age, weight, height, waist size, thigh size or even your finger size. It is one thing to be health cautious, but if you are pulling out that measuring tape every two hours hoping the number you see will change, forget about it. If there is a health concern, contact your doctor and adjust your lifestyle accordingly. You don't need a scale to tell you if you are making healthy decisions or not. Remember that those are all just numbers they will never be able to measure your true value!

6. Live positively and don't be afraid to laugh. Nothing beats a young and open heart. Focus on the things you love. That can include your hobbies, loved ones, and things your love about yourself. Carry yourself with confidence (because confidence always looks good!). Open yourself up to others and smile often! Having a positive body language and a great attitude shines brighter than any cosmetic blush, and you can do it at any age!

7. Appreciate what you have now. We will desire what we don't have, but we will miss what we used to have. Realise what you do have now and embrace it before it's too late. Do not waste time nitpicking and criticising every little flaw.

8. Have fun at your own birthdays! You can learn a lot from small children. They always get so excited when their birthdays are nearing. They enjoy celebrating another year of life and that's how it should be! Adding another year to your age shouldn't scare you. Have fun! Celebrate! It's another day when you can look back at all your achievements and experience as well as look forward to new ones. And yes, make sure to have lots of cake and ice cream!

9. Help out and be active at home and around the community. I personally use volunteering as a self-esteem booster. Sharing your skills and wisdom to help others is a great feeling. Helping those less fortunate will especially put things into perspective and change your priority list. Looks will age and be forgotten, but a kind heart will always live on. It's a fantastic feeling knowing that someone is looking forward to your kindness and generosity.

10. Love yourself. You are who you are so embrace it. If you are unhappy with something specific, you will always have room to improve and mature, and that is okay. In the end, always remember to keep that relationship with yourself strong. You determine your own worth, so make sure you love yourself. You're very special.

Although Beauty and Envi is a blog focusing quite a bit on beauty, I want you to always keep this entry in mind. No fancy beauty secret will ever overpower inner beauty.

Anyway, I would like to thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to read this entry. Remember to live everyday to the fullest and don't be afraid to age gracefully!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Welcome to Beauty and Envi(ronment)!

My name is Elle. In this blog, I am going to share beauty and health tips that are good for your body and great for the environment.

This blog is just for fun; Nothing too serious, although I do hope to inspire and enlighten!

I believe we are spending way too much money on our appearances nowadays. With all these chemicals, whiteners, bleaches, cleansers and other doohickeys being produced, sold, used and disposed of - it can't possibly be good for the environment, our health or our wallet! So why should consumers spend all that money on harmful products when there are safer and more affordable alternatives out there?

Hopefully with this blog, I can introduce you to those alternative methods and hopefully inspire you to look into making small changes in your lifestyle. Small changes can make big differences if we're in this together.